


I appreciate for your visiting my site. I am Kenta Ishii, publishing my Apps and website.
I littly wish to — at least if you want — make business with you for the future.
Feel free to contact me about my technology, especially my 2D games and educational ones from my career.
Absolutely, I am a web designer!
JavaScript becomes friendly with us, in view of cross platform development and high value. Please do not hesitate to be curious about these technology.

Link: E-mail Adress

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My JavaScript Games

BugUFO Pacific
10/11/2015 Update

Android™ and Google Play™ are Trademarks of Google, Inc.
This website may contain trademarks and service marks of companies that I respect their commercial rights.
Please free to contact me by E-mail if you have any opinion or comment on this site and these apps.
Link: E-mail Adress